Department of Neuroscience
NIA T32 Clinical and Translational Training Program in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related dementias (ADRD)
Co-directed by Drs. Jada Lewis and Jen Bizon, this NIA-funded program supports 4-6 predoctoral students a year. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) affects over 5 million people in the U.S., inducing profound memory decline, behavioral and language problems. Trainees appointed in the ADRD T32 program will receive two years of support to engage in a specialized training program focused on gaining the knowledge and support necessary to tackle the complexities presented by AD and related neurodegenerative diseases.

Breathing Research & Therapeutics (BREATHE) Center
T32 Breathing Research and Therapeutics (BREATHE) Training Program
Led by Dr. Gordon S. Mitchell, the goal of the BREATHE Training Program is to develop a unique cohort of researchers with strong foundations in basic research on respiratory neuromuscular biology, and a strong appreciation for the needs/realities of translational research in our attempts to develop treatments for impaired breathing and airway defense. Current research focuses on fundamental mechanisms of spinal respiratory motor plasticity induced by intermittent hypoxia, and attempts to harness that plasticity to treat clinical disorders that compromise breathing and non-respiratory limb movements, such as spinal injury and ALS.

Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration PRogram
NINDS T32 Pre-Doctoral Training Program in Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration
Co-directed by Dr. Dawn Bowers & Dr. David Vaillancourt, NINDS supports 6 PhD training slots per year. Movement is core to who we are as humans. Diseases that affect movement strip away our ability to live effectively, which can lead to problems with processing our emotions and can have deleterious effects on how we think. The goal of this program is to help train a future generation of independent investigators with programs of research in movement disorders that focus on translational research.

Center for Smell and Taste
T32 NCDCD-Supported Pre-Doctoral Training Program in Chemosensory Science
Led by Dr. Steve Munger, the Training Program in Chemosensory Science (TCPS) is an NIH-supported pre-doctoral training program that prepares trainees for careers focused on the science of smell, taste and flavor in academia, industry and the public sector. Graduate students in five UF doctoral programs across three different UF Colleges (medicine, agriculture, and arts and sciences) are eligible to train with TPCS faculty.

Clinical Translational Science Institute
TL1 Predoctoral Clinical and Translation Research Training Program
The CTSI TL1 Predoctoral Training Program provides predoctoral trainees with the skills required to develop a career in multidisciplinary clinical and translational research. The program uses a team-science approach and provides mentoring and didactic training for predoctoral students performing clinical and/or translational research in health-related fields at UF.

Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Integrative and Multidisciplinary Pain and Aging Research Training (IMPART) T32
The IMPART Program provides research training for postdoctoral fellows interested in pain and aging research. IMPART is an NIA-funded postdoctoral training program and represents a partnership between the UF Pain Research & Intervention Center of Excellence (PRICE) and the UF Institute on Aging (IOA).

College of Public Health and Health Professions
NIA T32 Research Training in Non -Pharmacological Interventions for Cognition in Aging, MCI, and Alzheimer’s Disease
Co-directed by Drs. Michael Marsiske and Adam Woods, this NIA-funded program supports four predoctoral students a year. Cognitive decline associated with normal aging, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease can be devastating for older adults and their families. Trainees appointed to this T32 receive two years of support and engage in a specialized training program focused on methods to assess treatments that prevent or slow cognitive decline in aging.

Department of Ophthalmology
T32 Pre-Doctoral Training Program in Visual Sciences
Led by Dr. Clay Smith, supports five PhD trainees with the aim of producing independent investigators capable of sustaining productive research programs in the vision sciences. The program is designed for training students in the areas of molecular/cellular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and immunology with particular focus on training in vision research.