Postbacc Program (GATORAADE)

Gators Advancing Through Opportunities in Research For Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Education (GATORAADE) Program

Students presenting at a conference


The University of Florida’s Gators Advancing Through Opportunities in Research for Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Education (GATORAADE) Program is a newly developed NIH-funded postbaccalaureate training opportunity. Our program aims to expand the pool of researchers and healthcare workers interested in cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD).

To address the increasingly dire burden of cognitive health decline, the GATORAADE program will focus on training and developing a strong research and clinical workforce that will be dedicated to research and treatment of cognitive aging and ADRD.

The GATORAADE program offers the following:

  • $30K a year stipend for two years
  • Placement as a full-time research assistant in the lab of a UF research mentor that aligns with the applicant’s interests and professional goals.
  • Tailored mentoring committee formed by three members: the trainee’s research mentor, a near-peer mentor (UF Neuroscience PhD student), and a GATORAADE advisory committee faculty member.
  • Opportunity to boost the applicant’s GPA by completing our 12-credit online graduate certificate in Neuroscience program, which offers didactic instruction in foundational knowledge of aging and ADRD mechanisms.
  • Funding in support of professional development activities that extend the trainee’s knowledge in brain aging and ADRDs.

Interested individuals are encouraged to apply. The application portal opens May 1, 2024 and closes May 31,2024. Applicants should provide strong evidence of coursework in a relevant discipline (for example: psychology, biology, engineering, chemistry, pharmacology, or genetics). Prior research experience is helpful but is not required. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Students who have received or are currently working on a non-research based master’s or are new to the field of aging are encouraged to apply and will be considered.

For more information about the application process or to begin your program application, click on the APPLICATIONS button above. 

If you have questions about the program or your eligibility, complete and submit the form below. 

Education and Application Questions