Enter the three letter code indicating placement of course within the discipline. For us this will usually be GMS.
Select the one digit code preceding the course number that indicates the course level at which the course is taught. New course request will have this number, followed by XXX. (example 6XXX) until the State Wide Numbering System assigns a number.
Enter the title of the course as it should appear in the Academic Catalog. Note that this is limited to 100 characters including spaces).
Enter the title that will appear in the transcript and the schedule of courses. Note this is limited to 30 characters (including spaces).
Indicate the number of hours instructors will have contact with students each week on average throughout the duration of the course.
Provide a brief narrative description of the course content. This description will be published in the Academic Catalog and is limited to 500 character or less. See course description guidelines.
Indicate all requirements that must be satisfied prior to enrollment in the course. Prerequisites will be automatically checked for each student attempting to register for the course. The prerequisite must include the course number and name. Please note that upper division courses (i.e., intermediate or advanced level of instruction) must have proper prerequisites to target the appropriate audience for the course.
Indicate all requirements that must be taken concurrently with the course. Co-requisites are not checked by the registration system.
Explain the rationale for offering the course and its place in the curriculum.
Describe the core knowledge and skills that student should derive from the course. The objectives should be both observable and measurable.
Enter the title, author(s) and publication date of textbooks and/or readings that will be assigned. Please provide specific examples to evaluate the course.
Provide a projected weekly schedule of topics. This should have sufficient detail to evaluate how the course would meet current curricular needs and the extent to which it overlaps with existing courses at UF.
List the types of assessments, assignments and other activities that will be used to determine the course grade, and the percentage contribution from each. This list should have sufficient detail to evaluate the course rigor and grade integrity. Include details about the grading rubric and percentage breakdowns for determining grades.
Enter the name of the planned instructor or instructors, or “to be determined” if instructors are not yet identified.