William G. Luttge, Ph.D.

Professor & Chair Emeritus

Department of Neuroscience


1967 BA (Biological Sciences) University of California, Irvine
1968 MS (Biological Sciences) University of California, Irvine
1971 PhD (Biological Sciences) University of California, Irvine
1971 Postdoctoral Fellowship (Radioimmunoassays) University of Maryland, Baltimore

Professional Experience at the University of Florida:

1971-1976 Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience
1976-1983 Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience
1983-2004 Professor
1978-1996 Chair, Department of Neuroscience
1997 Sr. Associate Dean for Research & The Basic Sciences
1992-2004 Executive Director, McKnight Brain Institute
2003 Awarded College of Medicine’s Lifetime Achievement Award
February 27, 2004 Retired as Professor & Chair Emeritus


Dr. Luttge’s research area of interest concerned investigations of the effects of steroid hormones on brain function. Besides being an advocate of brain research, Dr. Luttge was the second chair of the Department of Neuroscience, a position he held for 18 years. As a chair and neuroscientist Dr. Luttge’s definition of the mission of the Department clearly demonstrates his passion and broad vision for the field that was critical in shaping the future of neurosciences at the University of Florida. The quotation below is from Dr. Luttge’s annual report from August 1990.


“The human brain and spinal cord, together with the peripheral nerves and special senses and the various neurohumoral regulators and signals, represent the single most important and complicated organ system known.  The vast importance of this system is underscored by the fact that it forms the biological basis of our very being; our rational thought, creativity, emotions, communication and the acquisition and interpretation of our senses and the controller of our movements.  Because of its importance, malformation and/or injury to the brain during development, adulthood and aging can result in devastating personal and economic consequences.  Because of its complexity, however, continuing discoveries into the causes, diagnoses, treatment and prevention of these dysfunctions represents an unparalleled challenge to basic and clinical scientists, educators, and clinical practitioners.

To help meet this challenge, the mission of the Department of Neuroscience is to provide an exciting atmosphere wherein our basic and clinical science faculty, pre- and postdoctoral students, fellows and residents and our highly-skilled and dedicated support staff will have both the resources and freedom to effectively and efficiently focus their individual and collaborative creative energies on the fundamental discovery and clinical application of neuroscience research.”

William G. Luttge, Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Neuroscience


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