Floyd J. Thompson, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Office Phone: (352) 294-0033
Email:  fthompso@ufl.edu


1968 BA (Zoology) Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
1971 PhD (Physiology) Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
1971-1972 Postdoctoral Fellowship Department of Physiology, New York Medical College, New York, NY

Professional Experience:

1972-1974 Research Associate, The Rockefeller University, New York
1974-1983 Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida
1983-2004 Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida
2005-2009 Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida
July 31, 2009 Retired as Professor Emeritus
2008 – present VA RR&D Investigator, Translational Rehabilitation Research Initiative Health Science Specialist, BRRC
Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida

Research Focus:

A problem of particular interest in our laboratory is spasticity following traumatic brain or spinal cord injury. These injuries disrupt portions of the motor pathways that regulate excitability of spinal motor systems. As we learn more about how injuries alter fundamental processes, we can develop and test experimental therapies that incorporate these issues. We are currently evaluating the effectiveness to two modes of activity directed plasticity on locomotor recovery following spinal cord injury. In addition, we are developing a model of traumatic brain injury-induced spasticity to increase our understanding of the neurobiology of this condition. Collectively, these studies utilize neurophysiological, behavioral, anatomical, and immunohistochemical investigations.

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