Facial Pain Group – Hunt for a Cure
Facial pain group funds UF's hunt for cure for trigeminal neuralgia, related neuropathic pain
Facial pain group funds UF's hunt for cure for trigeminal neuralgia, related neuropathic pain
A drug already approved for use in humans to treat pulmonary hypertension now shows promise in an animal model for protecting against brain damage and neurological impairment following stroke.
Traditional neuroscience has focused on correlations between oscillations of the brain’s neurons — rhythmic fluctuations in activity patterns — and behavior.
Lenoid L. Moroz, Ph.D.Distinguished Professor Published: April 28th, 2014 http://news.ufl.edu/2014/04/28/real-time-genome-sequencing-at-sea/ GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A University of Florida researcher has become the first scientist to achieve genome-scale sequencing and analysis of fragile marine creatures at sea…