All Posts by

Jennifer Bizon

Alzheimer’s T32 Appoints 3 Neuroscience Students

  Neuroscience students  Tara Cooper in Dr. Sara Burke’s lab, and Alejandro Albizu in Dr. Adam Woods’s lab were appointed to the T32 Research Training in Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Cognition in Aging, MCI, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Directed by Dr. Jada Lewis and Dr. Jen…

Chemosensory T32 Appoints Neuroscience Student

Neuroscience student Brian Lee, who is co-mentored by Drs. Jeremy McIntyre and Abisambra, was appointed to the the NIH-funded Training Program in Chemosensory Sciences. Directed by Dr. Steve Munger, this Training Program in Chemosensory Science (TCPS) is an NIH-supported pre-doctoral training program that prepares trainees for careers focused on…

Translational TL1 Appoints Neuroscience Student

  Neuroscience student Philip Mackie, working in the lab of Dr. Habibeh Khoshbouei, was appointed to University of Florida TL1 Clinical Translation training grant.   In addition to financial support, the CTSI TL1 Predoctoral Training Program will provide Mr. Mackie the skills required to develop a career in multidisciplinary clinical…

Aging & Cognition T32 Appoints 2 Neuroscience Students

  Two neuroscience students were appointed to the T32 Research Training in Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Cognition in Aging, MCI, and Alzheimer’s Disease: Tara Cooper in Dr. Sara Burke’s lab, and Alejandro Albizu in Dr. Adam Woods’s lab. Directed  by Drs. Marsiske and Woods, this training…

Movement Disorders T32 Appoints 2 Neuroscience Students

  Two Ph.D. students from the Khoshbouei labs are appointed to  led by Drs. David Vaillancourt and Dawn Bowers. In addition to receiving several years of support for theiir graduate training, these students will receive specialized training related to movement disorders. This program provides trainees with the ABC’S of translational…