Two Ph.D. students from the Khoshbouei labs are appointed to led by Drs. David Vaillancourt and Dawn Bowers. In addition to receiving several years of support for theiir graduate training, these students will receive specialized training related to movement disorders. This program provides trainees with the ABC’S of translational research: an etiology, biomarkers/end phenotypes, and causative and symptom based therapies. To do so, the program encompasses three areas with a central theme of movement disorders: a) molecular biology and animal models; b) translational neuroscience and physiology, and c) human motor and cognitive neuroscience. Specific approaches within these themes can range from genetics to molecular to neuroimaging to neurorestoration to behavioral, but the central focus is movement disorders. Trainees are selected from a pool of outstanding students with diverse backgrounds and are admitted by one of five graduate programs.