For those interested in using the new system, Nikon specialists will be providing the initial group training for the first “start-up” users on the system. This group training is tentatively scheduled for the second week of November (Nov 10th – 13th). Anyone interested in using the new scope during the first couple of months will be required to attend this training. Future training will be provided by CTAC staff on a space available basis once we have come up to speed on the system.
This training will consist of 2 sessions. First, there will be a group lecture where we will go over the Nikon software in detail. The second session will be a small group “hands-on” session held on the microscope. Each session will be 2-3 hours long. Attendance at both sessions will be required for access to the microscope. This initial training will focus on basic confocal and multiphoton operations. Additional specialized training on TIRF & super resolution applications will be coordinated in the future.
Class space is limited and depending on demand we may have to limit access to one person per lab. Space priority will be given to labs that were part of the NIH SIG. If you or someone from your lab wishes to attend this training, please have the lab PI email the following information to