Joseph McQuail, Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate in the laboratories of Dr. Jennifer Bizon and Dr. Barry Setlow, was awarded 1st place in the 2015 Robert Levitt Research Award Competition. His winning presentation was entitled “Prefrontal cortical NMDA receptors in age-related working memory impairment”. Dr. McQuail and four other finalists were selected from among 19 presenters in a poster competition hosted at Oak Hammock. These five finalists were invited to deliver oral presentations on their work and to answer questions from members of the Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR). ILR members and faculty from the University of Florida judged each presentation and awarded Dr. McQuail 1st place. The award will be officially conferred at an upcoming ceremony in April.
Link to ILR:
For several years the ILR has supported University of Florida research and training of professionals in fields leading to greater understanding of the aging process. The ILR currently sponsors annual student research awards in research in aging as well as student expositions. Each spring ILR invites students and emerging professionals (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and undergraduate first authors) to present posters at the ILR/UF Student Research-on-Aging Exposition. These awards, initiated in 2011, are supported by ILR and the UF Institute on Aging. All research presented addresses topics related to aging, late life, adult development, and/or associated age-related conditions/phenomena.
The ILR is a vibrant community of retirement-age members who are engaged in lifelong learning, personal fulfillment and enjoyment through participation in a variety of courses, programs and activities. The Institute has operated since 2001 in partnership with the University of Florida. It is affiliated with Road Scholar (formerly known as Elderhostel) and is based at Oak Hammock at the University of Florida.
Link to ILR Awards Program: