Congratulations to Atilio and Aaron who are University Scholars Program award recipients.
Atilio Atencio recently joined the Notterpek laboratory as a volunteer. He is an undergraduate with a major in biochemistry. His USP research project is: “Effects of Trehalose and Carbamazepine on the Autophagy Pathway in Schwann Cells”
Aaron Shepherd recently joined the Notterpek laboratory as a volunteer. He is an undergraduate who started at UF during Fall 2012 and has chosen biology as his major. His USP research project is “Characterization of Human InducedPluripotent Stem Cell-derived Schwann Cells”
Undergraduate students from any College who wish to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Medicine are eligible to compete for this award. Applicants must have maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 or better, and have at least one more year of undergraduate studies remaining.