Thank you to everyone who attended the 2015 North Central Florida Society for Neuroscience Chapter Conference! We had a lot of fun and hope everyone learned something at our wonderful poster session, panel, data blitz, and lectures.
Undergraduate Winners
First Place: Paran Davari
Methamphetamine and amphetamine differentially influence biophysical properties of dopamine transporter.
Second Place: Lauren Vetere
Age-related alterations in executive functions and cost-benefit decision making.
Third Place: Leslie Gaynor
Perceptual discrimination deficits underlying age-related cognitive impairment.
Graduate Winners
First Place: Jeff Fortin
Transplantation of defined populations of differentiated human neural stem cell progeny.
Second Place: Lei Wang
Increasing angiotensin converting enzyme 2 activity in the brain decreases anxiety and dampens activation of
the hypothalami-pituitary-adrenal axis in mice.
Third Place: Sofia Beas
Prefrontal cortical GABA(B) and NMDA receptor interactions in working memory.
Postdoc Winner
First Place: Xiaoli Qi
Overexpression of CRF in the central amygdala
diminishesthe depressive-like state associated with
nicotine withdrawal.
Congratulations to the winners of the poster competition!
Thank you to all of our Data Blitz participants, who took on the challenge to present their research in five minutes or less.

L to R: Dr. Lan Hoang-Minh, Preston Donaldson, Kailey Simpson, Dr. Mauro Pinto, NCF SfN President Kim Hawkins, Regina Martuscello, Nicole Little, Douglas Bennion, and Danielle Sambo